Life through the Eyes of the CA Island Fox
Near Threatened
Not Evaluated Data Deficient Least Concern
Current Status:
The Island Fox is considered Near Threatened according to the IUCN Red List website. According to IUCN, the species does not fit under the criteria necessary to be considered threatened. However, it is classified as "Near Threatened" because of its relatively small population size, the continuing threats it faces from invasive species and diseases, and also the continuing need for intensive human efforts to maintain its population.
Past Status:
2004–Critically Endangered
1994–Rare (Groombridge 1994)
1990–Rare (IUCN 1990)
Although the fox is native and unique to the California Channel Islands, at one point it was under serious risk of extinction. In some of the islands, the population declined by by more than 90% between 1995 and 2000.This threat of extinction was partly due to the beginning of human settling of the island. In San Clemente Island, the foxes were culled or removed from the island. Foxes also died due to being hit by vehicles. Also, human settlers reduced wild pigs that disrupted the fox's lifestyle. The wild pigs attracted another invasive species: the golden eagle, that ate the fox and reduced its numbers. Also, diseases such as CDV reduced the population of this fox. Another major cause was the reduction of the native bald eagle due to the pesticide DDT.
In order to prevent the fox's extinction, wildllife organizations and the park service began taking measures. They eliminated the invasive pigs and began removing the golden eagles from the Island. They also began a breeding program to help increase fox populations. Since 2004 when the fox was critically endangered, the fox has made a substantial recovery. However, it still requires human intervention. The hope is that the island fox will continue to be able to make a successful recovery.
Vulnerable Endangered
Critically Endangered
Extinct in the Wild
Chart from: IUCN Red list
Golden Eagle eating an island fox
Coonan, T., Ralls, K., Hudgens, B., Cypher, B. & Boser, C. 2013. Urocyon littoralis. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. <>. Downloaded on 31 May 2014
"Island Fox (Urocyon Littoralis)." Island Fox Videos, Photos and Facts. ARKIVE, 2013. Web. 31 May 2014.
"Oh Those Fiesty Foxes! They Need Our Help…." Web log post. Native Foods Cafe. N.p., 2014. Web. 31 May 2014. <>.
"USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences." Blog. USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, 2012. Web. 31 May 2014.